Our Ministries

Ushers & Greeters Ministry:
Led by Duane Vought: Our Ushers Greeters are responsible for making Vineyard Assembly of God a welcoming, friendly, and safe place – our ushers and greeters have a heart for serving others. When you visit Vineyard Assembly of God, if you have any questions or needs, please be sure to speak with one of our ushers/greeters – they’re always wearing a special badge for your convenience.

Women’s Ministry:
Led by Lea Griggs: This ministry operates on the principle of Titus 2, “that the older women teach the younger women” and in cooperation with the Women’s Ministry of the Southern New England Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God. Vineyard Assembly of God is happy to sponsor this ministry of women to women to provide the real life connection, support, encouragement, and friendships real women need in following Jesus Christ.

Hospitality Ministry:
Led by Crysta Moreau: This ministry was created to help facilitate greater fellowship in the church community. In particular, the Hospitality Ministry is responsible for coordinating the church’s Sunday Morning Breakfast (starting Sunday, April 7 at 9:45am). Beyond that, the Hospitality Ministry will also be coordinating various church luncheons and fellowship dinners throughout the year.

Translation Ministry:
Led by Eduardo Lino: A major part of our Island Community are the many immigrants from Brazil who have come to live and work here on Martha’s Vineyard. Vineyard Assembly of God embraces every ethnicity without distinction, but as a service to the Brazilian community we offer live translation of our Sunday morning service. Vineyard Assembly of God abrange todas as etnias sem distinção, mas, como um serviço à comunidade brasileira, oferecemos a tradução ao vivo de nosso culto de domingo de manhã.

Prayer Ministry:
Led by Donna Vought: Our prayer ministry operates by faith in what Jesus taught us, that we, “should always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1). Vineyard Assembly of God was birthed in prayer, has been sustained in prayer, and continues to be blessed by God through prayer. Prayer, for us, is not an optional accessory to our Christian faith, but a vital necessity.

Safe To Shore – Teen Ministry:
Led by Carol Meikle. Meeting Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM – this is specific ministry FOR and TO teenagers in Grades 7 – 12. Teens face many challenges and choices during the brief years between childhood and adulthood, and need a safe place to process these challenges and choices. Vineyard Assembly of God believes that Jesus Christ is the anchor, the lighthouse, the safe harbor that every teenager can run to for strength, comfort, answers, guidance, and healing during this formative time of their lives.

Trustees Ministry:
Led by Matthew Look. The team of trustees work to make sure that the building and grounds of Vineyard Assembly of God are welcoming, attractive, and a positive addition to our Island Community.

Children’s Ministry:
Led by Donna Vought: Vineyard Assembly of God has a passion for Children’s Ministry – period. In a society where children are subject to so many messages all of which are competing for head and heart-space in our children, we believe that children too need the peace and love that only knowing Jesus Christ can offer. Every Sunday service our Children’s Ministry is open to children through Grade 6.
Men’s Ministry:
This ministry operates on the principle of 1Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be watchful. Stand firm in the faith. Act like men. Be strong. Let all that you do be done in love” and in cooperation with the Men’s Ministry of the Southern New England Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God. Vineyard Assembly of God is happy to sponsor this ministry of men to men to provide the real life connection, support, encouragement, and friendships real men need in following Jesus Christ.
Worship & Media Ministries:
Worship is the act of declaring the truth of who God is, (Matthew 14:33), and is a personally and corporately transformative experience for every individual and church that engages in it. Vineyard Assembly of God’s goal is to provide a dynamic worship experience that allows everyone to engage and be engaged by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in preparation for hearing and responding in faith to the preaching of the Word of God.