Lead Pastor:

Pastor Matthew Splittgerber was born in Mount Holly, New Jersey but grew up in the Amsterdam, New York area. Originally raised Roman Catholic, Pastor Matt always had a deep hunger for God and became a Christian at 12 years old after reading Hal Lindsey’s book Late Great Planet Earth. Soon after, through a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Matt’s family members became Christians and began attending the local Assembly of God church.
It was there that Pastor Matt perceived God’s calling on his life to pastoral ministry, and after working a year to save money, attended Zion Bible College (then located in Barrington, Rhode Island) to prepare for ministry. After graduating with a BA in Bible in 1997, Pastor Matt returned to upstate New York and in July, 1998 was elected pastor of Kingsboro Assembly of God in the city of Gloversville, New York. During his lengthy tenure there, Pastor Matt met and married Elizabeth Marcy in October, 2000 and together they have been blessed with three incredible children; Sean, Nathan, and Madelyn.
Elizabeth (Marcy) Splittgerber was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts and grew up in the communities just north of Boston’s north shore. Growing up in a Christian home, Liz always had a great sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and became a Christian at an early age. As a teenager, Liz’s family moved to Gloversville, New York and later (as a young woman) met Pastor Matt when she attended a church service on her birthday. Eight months later, Liz and Pastor Matt were married on October 7, 2000 and spent part of their honeymoon on the island of Martha’s Vineyard!
As God would have it, after many years in upstate New York, Pastor Matt and Liz sensed God’s call to Southern New England and later discovered that God was calling them to serve Him by leading Vineyard Assembly of God here on Martha’s Vineyard. Pastor Matt was subsequently elected pastor of Vineyard Assembly of God in November, 2016. In August 2018, Pastor Matt earned a MA in Ministerial Leadership through Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida.
Youth Pastor:
Vineyard Assembly of God is currently seeking a Youth Pastor to fill this ministry.