Pastor Matt Splittgerber
Frequently Asked Questions
About Partnership
Everyone has questions, here are a few of the most common ones.
What do you believe as a church?
Foundationally, we believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God – therefore, our beliefs are derived from the Bible. As such, the Assemblies of God has formulated a Statement of Fundamental Truths which outline 16 basic core doctrines that we believe. For more information on this Statement, please click this link: https://ag.org/Beliefs/Statement-of-Fundamental-Truths
Are divorced people allowed to become Partners?
Yes. Just as Jesus and the Early Church welcomed people who had various tragedies and difficulties in their backgrounds into the church, so we do as well.
What will my responsibilities be as a Partner?
Since partnership is defined as active partnering with others toward a common goal it is expected that as a partner you will actively participate in faithful attendance at church services, faithful support of the church financially through the Biblical practice of tithing, and be open to utilizing your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to serve in a volunteer capacity when opportunities to do so arise.
Is there an age requirement to be a Partner?
Yes. Junior Partnership is open to young people who are at least 16 years old. Full partnership (which carries voting and voice privileges at church business meetings) is available to those who are 18 years old and older.
Will my children automatically become Partners if I do?
No. Just as each person must personally and individually come to faith in Jesus Christ to be a Christian so to must each person personally and individually apply to become a Partner of Vineyard Assembly of God.
Do I have to be rebaptized at Vineyard AG to become a Partner?
Possibly. If you have already been water baptized by the Biblical method of immersion since becoming a Christian then you do not have to be rebaptized to become a Partner of Vineyard Assembly of God. However, if your prior experience of water baptism was by sprinkling (particularly as an infant) then we do require that you follow the Biblical examples of water baptism by immersion to become a Partner.
What if I am transferring my membership from another church?
All we ask is that you inform the pastor and/or board of your previous church, and request that a letter of transfer be sent from your previous church to Vineyard Assembly of God. We accept letters of transfer from other Assembly of God churches and other sister-churches on an individual basis.
Do I have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit/speak in tongues to be a Partner?
No. However, since Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues (unlearned languages) is one of our core doctrines, all we ask is that you accept this doctrine and agree to commit yourself to asking Jesus to give you this life-changing experience.